Jam-filled Heart Pastry Cookies (Easy 5 Ingredient Recipe)

Jam-filled heart-shaped pastry cookies

“You’re My Jam!” Heart Cookies

Welcome to my latest series in partnership with Parenting OC Magazine called, Cooking with Kids, where each month we highlight a new recipe that is both educational and fun for the whole family. This month is a Valentine Day’s twist on traditional Norwegian cookies. Similar to Polish Kolaczki, these cookies are jam-filled but instead of a cream cheese base they are made with cottage cheese to create a more flakey texture similar to a turnover pastry. Give it a heart shape, and voilà a tasty Valentine treat! What better way to share the love than with sugary goodness? So put on your aprons little chefs (and big ones too!), let’s get baking!

jam-filled heart pastry cookies


  • 1 cup of vegan butter (room temperature)
  • 1 cup of vegan cottage cheese (or vegan ricotta cheese and a splash of plant milk)
  • 2 cups of gluten-free 1 to 1 flour
  • Strawberry or raspberry jam
  • Powdered sugar


  1. Preheat the oven to 425°.
  2. Mix the butter, cottage cheese, and flour together until combined, then chill the dough in the fridge for at least an hour.
  3. On a floured surface roll the dough out into thin sheets.
  4. Cut into 2 inch hearts.*
  5. On a parchment-lined baking sheet assemble each tart cookie by placing 1 tsp of jam onto one heart then placing another heart on top. Using a fork gently press down around all the edges of the dough, careful not to squeeze out the jam.
  6. Bake for 12-13 minutes or until crisp and lightly brown.
  7. Let cool slightly, then dust with powdered sugar.
  8. Serve and enjoy!


*If you don’t have a heart-shaped cookie cutter, trace out hearts using a paper template and a knife.

**Keep the fork floured to prevent it from sticking to the dough.

Make sure to tag @maddimadevegan on social media when you post your recreations of these cookies!

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