Tips for Naturally Clearer Skin (Diet + Supplements + Skincare Products)

Get Clear Skin Naturally

Wow, this is honestly crazy that I’m writing this post. I always hoped I’d figure my ish out, and while I think every day is a constant rediscovery of my skin’s needs I’m confident I’ve gotten to the point that I can share my tips with y’all.

Here’s the deal with skin: Everyone has sensitive skin. Yes, Everyone. There’s dry skin, oily skin and combination skin, not to mention the more complex issues like eczema, acne, redness, dark spots, scarring, etc. So please be advised that what has worked for me may not work for you, but I think the main thing that I want to get across to y’all is that healthy skin is not going to happen overnight. For me, acne will be something I always deal with, but over the past two years I’ve seen a tremendous amount of change… and here’s what I’ve learned along the way

Mainstream Skincare Brands Are Sus

The big brands will claim their products are gentle on the skin, but their list of ingredients prove otherwise. First of all there are almost zero federal regulations on cosmetics in the U.S. It’s concerning to think that a product can go to store shelves straight from manufacturing without any mandatory safety testing. The FDA doesn’t even regulate what exactly is in skincare products… only the wording on packaging to avoid misbranding or false advertising. In comparison, the European Union has banned over 1,3000 chemicals for use in cosmetics (the US has only banned 11… smh).

In the early years of my acne, I went to numerous dermatologists and tried everything from gimmicky products to high-end spa treatments. I was poked and probed by so-called experts to the point that my face was left painfully inflamed. Light therapy, creams, consultations for laser treatments; You name it I’ve tried it, yet nothing worked long term. The short terms “results” that I did see I can only compare to the infamous loss of water weight at the beginning of any “diet” —results would last up to a month, but nothing would create lasting improvements. It’s embarrassing how I’ve lived 23 years on God’s green earth before making the switch to all-natural products, but once I finally ditched the harsh chemicals being marketed to me and made real lifestyle changes, I actually saw results that lasted!

Glow in the Making…

Ok, ok. So you can see perfection is not what I’m promoting here. I definitely still get breakouts here and there, but overall my skin has stayed on glowww. Also good lighting helps 😉

Before we get into the products that I recommend, I gotta level with y’all… although the right skincare products will help tremendously, 80 percent of what will improve and maintain your skin’s health is diet. I know, I know. Sounds like a lot of work, but honestly setting a goal and actually notice lasting improvements is 100 percent worth it sis.

For the Love of Skin, Ditch the Junk

So without further ado, here’s my list of foods I recommend reducing in your diet if not cutting them out completely:

  • Dairy
  • Gluten
  • Eggs
  • Oil
  • Grains
  • Legumes
  • Soy
  • Artificial sweeteners & flavors

Why these specific foods? Well, they actually all feed existing viral, bacterial, and fungal conditions, leading to inflammation and making digestion difficult which —you’re valid if you already know this— limits any actual benefits from fruits and veggies you are consuming. I’m sure many of you are now wondering how the heck to limit all these items when they’re in like everything. The easiest method is intuitive eating, which I personally call “serve what serves you.” If it’s not serving your skin health goals phase that ish out. Keep in mind it takes at least a month or two to form a habit. Take it one day at a time and be kind to yourself throughout the process. No food guilt here gurl!

Essentially this method focuses on cutting back on your consumption of processed foods. There are plenty of store bought snacks and meals full of oils and unnatural sugars that are difficult for our bodies to break down, thus preventing any serious healing. This is why I highly suggest the Raw til 4 diet instead of detoxes and cleanses. Consistency and sustainability is essential for success!

Start your day with hydration: lemon water, cucumber juice, or my personal favorite, a shot of lime juice. Follow this with a breakfast of fruit and fresh juice or a simple smoothie. Repeat for lunch or go for a big hearty salad. For dinner I would suggest steaming or roasting some veggies, but you should never restrict yourself. If you’re feeling a veggie burger of some plant-based mac n cheese GO FOR IT. If I could stress one thing to my readers it’s to have the right mindset about eating. Remember we are reducing processed foods, so no need to beat yourself up for not eliminating the “problem foods.”

Once you start to get the hang of things then you can step it up a notch. Nowadays I like to do mostly raw foods during the week and allow myself freedom to have cooked foods on the weekends. Notice the language I’m using here. Not indulge, treat, or the infamous “cheat day.” ALL food is fuel, it’s just which foods you choose to consume and how they will benefit you at that given time. I hope with this mentality y’all will be excited about eating better!

Grubbin’ Our Way to Clearer Skin

It’s not about restrictions honey, so here are some of the foods that I’ve found to significantly improve the appliance and overall health of my skin:

  • Carrots- I loooove carrot juice and drink it almost every morning, which provides Vitamin C and beta carotene, to improve & prevent further skin damage.
  • Oranges & Tangerines– also full of Vitamin C this is a great mono meal, snack, or juice it up!
  • Lemons & Limes– in the morning drink 16-32 oz of water with freshly squeezed lemon or take a shot of freshly squeezed lime juice, this provides antioxidants to protect the skin and treat existing tissue damage.
  • Asparagus & Brussels sprouts– full of Vitamin C and coppersome to produce collagen these are some of my fav veggies! Perfect for dinner, steam or roast to retain the most nutrients.
  • Leafy greens (Collard greens, Kale, Spinach, etc.)– skins natural protection from UV sun damage! Also helps with skin hydration and elasticity to improve overall complexion.
  • Aloe Vera– ingesting fresh aloe provides next level skin hydration! Cut off a four-inch section from the middle of the leaf and fillet it to remove the green skin and scoop out the clear flesh; blend with water or add to smoothies.

Alsoooo I highly recommend adding in supplements (listed below) to help maintain an overall glow. It’s important to note not to rely solely on supplements or take them all simultaneously. Try each out one by one periodically to see how your skin reacts!


Cleanse, Spot Treat, Moisturize, Repeat

OK bish now onto the skincare routine.

Overall my advice is to moisturize moisturize moisturize. And this is coming from a girl with oily skin. Even the products I use to diminish blemishes are moisturizing because other mainstream zit creams will often strip your skin of natural oils, making long term improvements unlikely.

In the morning my routine starts with cleansing my face using doTERRA’s HD clear foaming face wash. After I gently pat dry my face with a white organic cotton towel (most gentle on skin). I  then moisturize with coconut (this is my go-to because it’s antibacterial!!!).

If I have any active blemishes I treat with the HD Clear roll-on the blend. I cannot stress enough how amazing essential oils are for acne. It’s the ONLY thing that has worked consistently for me. The other essential oil I swear by to quickly get rid of those pesky pimps is tea tree oil which I will forever swear by.

I will repeat this same routine at night, but instead of coconut oil, I moisturize using DERMA E’s Vitamin C Intense Night Cream to treat dark spots and create an even skin tone.

In the winter when my skin gets dry I’ll periodically use a homemade sugar scrub (literally just an oil mixed with sugar, and an optional essential oil of choice).

But Wait There’s More…

Now onto the lesser talked about lifestyle changes to improve health. Switch out laundry detergent for a plant-based one. Regularly wash and change out pillowcases and washcloths. If you have body acne avoid tight clothing when sleeping as this will cause breakouts. I wear big t-shirts in breathable fabrics. Don’t go to sleep with wet hair! I talk about this more in my haircare post, but just think about that moldy bacteria sitting on your pillow getting on your face…ew.

I also have plenty of face mask recipes that I make with ingredients you can find right in your kitchen. I’d love to share em in posts later on so stay tuned for those!

That’s all I have for now and I hope you all achieve beautiful healthy skin! If you found this post helpful don’t forget to tag my Instagram @maddimadevegan I love seeing my tips in use!

Love ya all lots xoxoxox —Maddi

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